Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear From My Account?

Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear from my Account

Are you a verified Instagram user and your blue tick suddenly disappeared from your account? 

If yes, Read this piece of information till the end so that you will be able to find out the cause of why Instagram blue tick disappear and take corrective measures for it.

In this article, we have explained the key reasons why Instagram verification checkmark get removed. Before finding the reason for the blue check removal let us first know some key points of Instagram Blue Ticks below:

Blue Tick Meaning on Instagram

Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear from my Account

On Instagram, a blue tick is a symbol that appears next to the username of Instagram accounts. This badge is intended to indicate that the account has been verified as authentic by Instagram and belongs to a public figure, celebrity, brand, or organization of significant public interest.

Not all Instagram accounts can obtain a blue tick badge. The verification process is selective and is typically reserved for accounts that have a high likelihood of being impersonated or accounts that have a large following and influence.

The purpose of the blue tick is to help users identify genuine accounts and distinguish them from fan or parody accounts.

Blue Tick Verification on Instagram

The blue tick verification on Instagram is like a digital badge of honor. It’s that coveted symbol that instantly lets you know an account is legit and carries some weight. You’ve probably seen it next to the names of celebrities, public figures, and well-known brands. 

Instagram created the blue tick badge to help users differentiate between real accounts and fake ones. It’s all about ensuring authenticity and protecting high-profile individuals from impersonators and scams. The verification badge acts as a trust signal, letting people know they’re following the real deal.

Now, getting that blue tick isn’t as simple as asking for it. Instagram has some strict guidelines in place to determine who’s eligible. Typically, accounts that are likely to be impersonated or have a significant public presence are considered. We’re talking about celebrities, musicians, athletes, and influential brands.

Read this: Why Telegram Blue Tick disappears suddenly?

Benefits of Getting Blue Tick on Instagram

Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear from my Account

Having a blue tick on Instagram which is also known as the verification badge, can make a real difference for users. It’s not just a fancy symbol. it comes with a range of benefits that can elevate an account’s presence on the platform:

1.  Building Trust and Authenticity

When people see that blue tick, they know they’re dealing with a real account of Instagram rather than a scam.  It’s a clear signal that the account is legitimate and belongs to a public figure, brand, or notable entity.

2. Confirming Identity

The verification badge acts as a stamp of approval, assuring that the account is owned by the person or entity it claims to represent. This makes clear that Instagram officials have verified the identity of that particular user before giving the blue badge. 

3. Getting Noticed

Verified accounts have a significant advantage when it comes to visibility. Instagram’s algorithms prioritize verified accounts in search results and recommendations, giving them a better chance to reach a wider audience and gain more followers.

4. Security Boost

With the blue tick, verified accounts receive an added level of security. Instagram takes measures to protect these accounts which reduces the risk of hacking making the account more secure.

5. Exclusive Features

Instagram occasionally rolls out special features and tools exclusively for verified accounts. This could include advanced analytics, early access to new features, or additional customization options. These extra features are specially given to verified users only.

6. Collaboration Opportunities

Brands and businesses value the credibility that comes with a blue tick. Verified accounts are more likely to attract collaboration requests, sponsorships, and influencer marketing opportunities. It opens up doors to partnerships that can lead to a source of extra income.

7. Clear Differentiation:

The blue tick helps users distinguish official accounts from fan accounts or impostors. It ensures that people are following the genuine accounts of their favorite public figures or brands, avoiding confusion and disappointment. This is one of the main advantages that verified users get from getting verified on Instagram with the blue badge.

Related: Why Twitter Blue Tick disappears?

Criteria for Blue Tick on Instagram

The blue verification tick on Instagram is a prestigious badge that signifies an account’s authenticity. Even though, Instagram has not publicly disclosed any exact criteria for obtaining a blue tick but still make sure that you consider the following points if you are applying for the Instagram blue badge too:

  1. Authenticity: Instagram aims to verify accounts that are genuine and accurately represent real individuals, brands, or entities. So be authentic and genuine.
  2. Complete your Profile: Verified accounts tend to have a complete profile, including a profile photo, a well-crafted biography, and a history of public posts. Incomplete or inactive accounts are less likely to be considered for verification so complete your account details for getting the blue badge of Instagram.
  3. Notability: Instagram is more inclined to verify accounts that are widely recognized and extend beyond the platform itself. This can include public figures, celebrities, influential personalities, reputable brands, or organizations with a strong presence in their respective fields.
  4. Uniqueness: Verified accounts are expected to be original and official, rather than duplicates or fan accounts so make sure your username is unique and does not represent other brands etc.
  5. Be Active: It is seen that accounts that are more active have more chances of being approved for the blue checkmark of Instagram than accounts that are inactive. 

Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear or Removed from My Account?

Why Instagram Blue Tick Disappear from my Account

One of the main reasons for the disappearance of Blue Tick from Instagram accounts is for the violation of Instagram policies.

Apart from the policy violation, If you have changed your username recently then the blue tick can get removed from your account so make sure that you do not change your username if you want the blue tick to remain on your account.

Another simple but very reasonable point for the removal of the Verification badge from your Instagram is Instagram LIVE. If you have violated any Instagram policies even when you are doing live it may lead to the removal of your verification badge.

If your verification badge is removed from your account then try contacting the official support team of Instagram and have it solved. Do not fall into the words of scammers who claim to bring back your verification badge i.e. Blue checkmark.


Some of the most frequently asked questions on Instagram blue tick are as follows:

Can I change my username if I have the verification badge on Instagram?

No, it is clearly forbidden by Instagram for not to change your username if you have a verification badge. It may lead to the removal of your Blue checkmark from your account.

What steps can I take to regain the Instagram Blue Tick if it removed from my account?

If your Instagram blue tick disappeared then you should consult with the Instagram support team and try to fix it.

Can I change my username if I have the verification badge

No, it is clearly forbidden by Instagram for not to change your username if you have a verification badge. It may lead to the removal of your Blue checkmark from your account.

What steps can I take to regain the Instagram blue tick if it disappears from my account?

If your Instagram blue tick disappeared then you should consult with the Instagram support team and try to fix it.

Are there any penalties associated with the disappearance of the Instagram blue tick?

No, as of now there are no penalties associated with the disappearance of the Instagram blue tick.

Can the Instagram blue tick disappear temporarily and then reappear later?

Yes, if the removal is caused by the changes made in your account then there are high chances of getting back the Blue Tick in your account but if the removal is caused due to policy violation then there is less possibility of getting back the blue tick in your account.


The Instagram Blue badge (Tick)  is a symbol of authenticity that is given by Instagram after the verification. This badge is given to the user only if the user does not violate any policies of Instagram.

If you got your Instagram account verified and suddenly the blue tick got removed then follow the above-mentioned process. 

Still, if you have any doubts related to why Instagram blue tick disappears please let us know by commenting in the comment section.

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