How to Find Searched Videos on Facebook? (Step-by-step)

how to find searched videos on facebook

Have you been wondering to know how to find searched videos on Facebook?

If yes, then just take a break and read this piece of information till the end so that you will get to know exactly how to find recently searched videos on Facebook.

If you have anything else to know please let us know by commenting.

What are Videos on Facebook?

Videos on Facebook refer to the multimedia content including audio that the users of Facebook can upload or share on the platform.

The videos on Facebook may vary in size or length. It may be recorded by individuals or professionals.

Facebook has provided certain guidelines for creating/uploading video content in the platform as the platform is publicly open.

Facebook provides the option to its users to upload videos on their profiles, pages as well as groups. One can also share videos of external platforms by simply just posting links of those particular videos.

Benefits of Videos on Facebook

Posting videos on Facebook provides numerous benefits to the users. Some of the major benefits of videos on Facebook are as follows:


Videos on Facebook are more engaging than other forms of content such as text or images. It captures user’s attention and users get more engaged which leads to likes and comments on the videos

Visual explanation

Videos are more appealing than text or images. In videos, the content creator can explain the content to the audience more precisely.

Products and services can also be explained in a better way with the help of videos on Facebook.

Brand awareness

Videos on Facebook can help you to establish your brand identity. With the help of videos, you can create a stronger connection with your audience.

Personal connection

Videos on Facebook help content creators to communicate with their audience directly by creating LIVE sessions. Your audience can interact with you in real-time through comments and likes. 


Videos are the most efficient and effective source of entertainment. Facebook allows users to post videos. Many content creators make videos on Facebook for entertainment where users get more engaged and which also helps them to enhance their presence.


Facebook videos help in storytelling in a more comprehensive way. One can explain the story in a better way in videos as compared to text or images.

Call to action

In Facebook videos, you can add interactive elements like call-to-action buttons with the help of which you can drive traffic to your website or any other platforms. This option is mainly used by blogs nowadays to gain traffic to their websites.

Building community

With the help of Facebook videos, you can build your own community very fast because the videos are more engaging and attractive. It also helps the community to connect with you directly through comments.

Algorithmic benefit

Videos seem to be more algorithm friendly as the engagement of videos are more and the algorithm likes engagement so as a result your video reach is increased.


The videos on Facebook can be monetized. Facebook’s Ad Breaks program allows content creators to earn money by placing ads in their videos.

Types of Videos on Facebook

There are several types of videos available on Facebook which the users use. The different types of videos on Facebook are as follows:

Short-form videos

Short-form videos are videos that are very short and which grab the attention of the audience the most. This type of videos are also called reels. The duration of such videos does not exceed 59 seconds usually.

Live Videos

Live videos on Facebook are the type of video in which the audience can interact with the user in real-time. This type of video creates the most impact because the audience can interact with the audience through comments and likes.

How-to and tutorial videos

How-to and tutorial videos of Facebook are the most used form of videos. In this type of videos, tutorials are explained and guides are also explained which attracts the audience very much.

Storytelling Videos

This is a type of video on Facebook under which stories are explained to the audience. Storytelling videos are liked nowadays and are on trend.

What are Searched Videos on Facebook?

Searched videos on Facebook refers to the videos which you have searched earlier on Facebook. It can also be said as the video search history.

Sometimes we want to track our children or anyone and want to know that that he/she has been watching on Facebook videos so in this situation this feature of Facebook comes into use.

In simple, it can be said that it is a feature on Facebook with the help of which you can find previously searched videos on Facebook.

How to Find Searched Videos on Facebook?

Are you also one of the users of Facebook who has been searching for ways of how to find the previously searched videos on Facebook? If yes, the following steps will help you in knowing that:

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 1: Open the Facebook app on your device or mobile phone.

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 2: Click on the profile icon at the upper right corner of the screen.

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 3: Next click on the settings icon.

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 4: Now scroll down and click on ‘Activity log’.

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 5: After that click on “Logged actions and other activity

how to find searched videos on facebook

Step 6: Finally click on the ‘Videos you, ve searched for’ option and here you go now the videos you have searched earlier will be displayed on the screen.

Related article: How to find recent watched videos on Facebook?


Some of the most frequently asked questions on videos on Facebook are as follows:

Can I find my searched videos on Facebook?

Yes, you can find your searched videos on Facebook. If you want to track your Facebook account video search history then you can do so with the help of available settings.

Can anyone else find my searched videos on Facebook?

No, anyone else cannot find your searched videos on Facebook. It is only accessible to you and no one else has access to it.

Can I search for videos using hashtags?

Yes, you can search for videos using hashtags. All you need to do is enter the hashtag in the search bar and both the videos and posts including that hashtag will appear.

Are there any restrictions on searching videos on Facebook?

Yes, the restrictions on searching videos on Facebook does exist. Facebook has its own community standards and guidelines which have to be followed.


Finding your recently searched videos on Facebook is not a simple task unless you know how to find it. 

We hope that you got to learn how to find searched videos on Facebook by reading this piece of information.

Still, if you have any doubts regarding Facebook please let us know by commenting in the comment section.

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