How to Change the Join Date on Twitter?

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Are you a Twitter user and searching for how to change the join date on Twitter?

Read this piece of information till the end so that you will get to know all about changing the joining date on Twitter.

If you have any suggestions please let us know by commenting. Before taking a step towards the process of how to change the join date on Twitter let us first know how to create a Twitter account.

How to Join or Sign up on Twitter?

Twitter was launched in July in the year 2016. It was created by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone and Evan Williams. Twitter is a social media platform and also a social networking service.

Recently, Elon Musk acquired Twitter and has brought a lot of changes to the platform for the ease of users.

It is very easy and simple to sign up or join on Twitter. We are here for you to discuss the methods of how to join or sign up on Twitter. 

To sign up on Twitter, follow the steps given below:

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 1: Install ‘Twitter’ app from the Google Play store.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 2: Open Twitter on your device.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 3: Go to the Profile on the upper left.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 4: Click Create account from ‘Continue with Google’ or ‘Create account’.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 5: Under ‘Create your account’. Fill up the name, phone number, and Date of birth.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 6: After filing the information now click on ‘Next.

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter

Step 7: Tap to Sign up.

Step 8: Set your Password after the verification code.

Step 9: Set your Username and complete the Signup process.

How Can I See the Joining Date on My Twitter?

Twitter is very popular around the world today. Almost everyone who uses online platforms is familiar with Twitter. The users are attracting more and more of its features and functions as a result the use of Twitter is rising upward day-by-day. 

Since the joining date of users is generated from the first day they create an account on Twitter. The joining date of the users are always visible under their username. Therefore, it is not so hard to find out the users joining date on Twitter.   

How to Change the Join Date on Twitter?

Twitter allows its users to edit their profile details such as User name, Bio, Birth date, website and location they wish. Twitter provides the joining date of users under their account username which helps other users to check your joining date whenever they visit your profile page.

Twitter automatically generates the joining date when you sign up for an account which is totally based on the date and time when you created your account on Twitter.

Since Twitter doesn’t allow or give permission to its users to change their joining date. Thereafter, it is not possible to change the joining date on Twitter.

How to Hide Your Birth Date on Twitter

Twitter provides its users to hide their birth date on profile page settings. To hide your birthday on Twitter, one can follow the following steps mentioned below:

Step 1: Go to the Play Store.

Step 2: Search Twitter on the search bar.

Step 3: Tap to install.

Step 4: Open the ‘Twitter app’.

Step 5: Go to the Profile page.

Step 5: Tap ‘Edit Profile’.

Step 6: Click on Birth date, then Continue.

Step 7: Under Who sees this app, Click month and day then select Only you.

Step 8: At the end, tap Continue then Save.

How to Delete Twitter Messages from Both Sides.

Before proceeding to the deletion of messages from both sides. First, let us know how to delete messages from Twitter.

To delete the messages from Twitter, follow the mentioned steps below:

Step 1: Open the ‘Twitter’ app and log into your account.

Step 2: Go to “Direct Messages”.

Step 3: Select the message you want to delete and hold it for a second.

Step 4: Finally, tap “Delete for you” from the menu bar.

There is no option on Twitter to delete messages from both sides. Apart from it, there is still an option to delete the messages only by yourself, which is an option of “Delete for you”. 

How to Hide Your Joining Date on Twitter?

Twitter is an online social media platform in which we can share our thoughts, messages, voice clips, live meetings, and so on. It is an online platform that helps friends, followers, etc to stay connected in one loop very easily.

The joining date on Twitter is visible or displayed under the username from the joining day itself. Twitter doesn’t allow any kind of permission in regards to hiding the joining date on Twitter. So, you can’t hide your joining date on Twitter by any means.

How to Make Your Twitter Account Private?

Twitter allows permission to its users to keep their accounts private and secure. To make your Twitter account private and safe, follow the following steps:

Step 1: Open the ‘Twitter’ app on your device.

Step 2: Click on Profile on the upper left of the screen.

Step 3: Next tap ‘Settings and privacy’.

Step 4: Press Privacy and Safety from the given options.

Step 5: Under ‘Your Twitter activity’ click Audience and tagging.

Step 6: Finally Press On the button of ‘Protect your Tweets’.

What Happens When You Make a Twitter Account Private?

Nowadays Twitter has become one of the most useful online social media platforms across the world. It is a daily use basis platform that contains much information about sports, news, celebrities, and many others.

When you make your Twitter account private, it keeps your account more and more secure and doesn’t allow non-followers to see who you follow, your followers, and your tweets especially.

Related Article: How to Add Google Account?


Some of the most frequently asked questions on Twitter are as follows:

How to view my joining date on Twitter?

It is very simple to view the user’s joining date since it is present under the username itself. The joining date is counted from the first day itself after joining Twitter.

Can anyone hide the joining date of Twitter?

Twitter doesn’t allow any option to hide the joining date of Twitter. Thereafter, it is not possible for the users to hide the joining date of Twitter in any way.

Hiding the joining date on Twitter violates Twitter policies or not?

Since Twitter doesn’t provide any authorization for hiding the joining date on Twitter. So, hiding the joining date on Twitter in any other way goes against the policies of Twitter.  

If I delete my account and create a new account will my previous joining date be displayed?

If anyone deleted the Twitter account and created a new account again, the previous joining account will not be displayed.


Twitter is a very common social media platform that is being used by all sorts of users. Twitter gives several benefits to its users, one of which is Worldwide reach.

Recently Elon Musk acquired Twitter and has made several changes to the platform. He gave the opportunity of the blue tick verification available to all by making it subscription based.

Still now the changing of the joining date is not available but one can use the alternative methods such as deleting his account permanently and again creating a new account.

We hope that you are satisfied with the information provided in this article. Still, if you have any doubts then please let us know by commenting in the comment section. 

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