What Happens When You Unfriend Someone on Snapchat?

Snapchat is a popular online chatting social media platform that allows users to connect and share photos, videos, and messages with their friends.

What happens When you Unfriend someone on Snapchat?

While Snapchat is a great way to connect with others, there may come a time when you need to unfriend someone on the platform. 

Whether it’s because of a falling out or simply because you’re no longer interested in seeing their snaps, there are a few things you need to know about unfriending someone on Snapchat.

What Does Unfriending Someone on Snapchat Mean?

When you unfriend someone on Snapchat, it means that you are no longer friends with that person on the platform. 

This means that you will no longer receive snaps, stories, or messages from that person, and they will no longer be able to see your snaps, stories, or messages. 

Additionally, the person you unfriended will no longer be able to see your public stories, and you will no longer be able to see their public stories.

What Happens When you Remove Someone on Snapchat App?

Once you have unfriended someone on Snapchat, the person will no longer be able to see your snaps, stories, or messages. 

Additionally, you will no longer be able to see their snaps, stories, or messages. If the person tries to send you a snap or message, it will not be delivered to you, and you will not receive any notifications about it.

How to Unfriend Someone on Snapchat? (Remove a Friend on Snapchat)

Unfriending someone on Snapchat is a simple process that can be completed in just a few steps. To unfriend anyone on Snapchat, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the official Snapchat app on your smartphone.

If You Remove Someone On Snapchat, Will They Know?

Step 2: Swipe right to access your friend list.

What happens when I remove someone on Snapchat

Step 3: Find the person you want to unfriend and tap on their name.

What Happens When You Unfriend Someone on Snapchat?

Step 4: Tap the gear icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.

What Happens When you Remove Someone on Snapchat?

Step 5: Select “Unfriend” from the options that appear.

What happens when you unfriend someone on Snapchat?

Step 6: Confirm that you want to unfriend the person by tapping “Yes” when prompted.

If I unfriend someone on Snapchat what happens

Here you go! now you are free, you will not receive alerts or notifications from that person you just unfriended. Got some time? Let me show you how to install WhatsApp on two devices with the same number.

Can You Re-friend Someone on Snapchat?

Yes, you can re-friend someone on Snapchat if you change your mind about unfriending them. To re-friend someone on Snapchat, simply follow these steps:

  1. Open the official Snapchat app on your device.
  2. Swipe right to access your friend list.
  3. Tap the “Add Friends” button in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
  4. Search for the person you unfriended using their username or their phone number.
  5. Tap the “Add” button next to their name to send them a friend request.

What Happens When You Block Someone on Snapchat?

Blocking someone on Snapchat is similar to unfriending someone, but it has some additional consequences. 

When you block someone on Snapchat, they will no longer be able to send you snaps, messages, or view your stories. 

Additionally, you will no longer be able to see their snaps, messages, or stories. If the person you blocked tries to send you a snap or message, it will not be delivered, and you will not receive any notifications about it.

What is Snapchat and How Does Snapchat App Work?

Snapchat is an online messaging app that allows users to send photos and videos that disappear after being viewed or after 24 hours. It also has a feature that allows users to add filters, lenses, and other effects to their photos and videos before sending them.

Snapchat works by allowing users to create an account and connect with their friends. Once logged in, the user can take a photo or video using the app, add filters, lenses, or other effects, and then send it to their friends. 

The recipient can view the photo or video for a set amount of time (usually between 1 and 10 seconds), after which it will disappear and be deleted from the recipient’s device and Snapchat’s servers.

In addition to sending snaps, users can also chat with their friends, use the app’s built-in camera to take photos and videos, add friends, and discover new content through the app’s Discover feature.

Snapchat also has a feature called “Stories” that allows users to share photos and videos that remain visible for 24 hours. This provides a more permanent way for users to share their experiences and adventures with their friends.

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Understanding the concept of becoming friends on Snapchat

In Snapchat, “friends” are people you have added to your network on the app. To add a friend on Snapchat, you can either search for their username, scan their Snapchat QR code, or enter their Snapcode

Once you have added someone as a friend, you can send snaps and chat with them within the app.

Your Snapchat friend list is private, meaning only you can see who is on your list. You can also choose who can send you snaps and chat messages by adjusting your privacy settings.

It’s important to note that Snapchat uses the concept of “best friends” to show the people you interact with the most on the app. 

The best friends list is displayed in the form of emojis next to your friends’ names, and it’s updated regularly based on the frequency and intensity of your interactions.

In summary, the friends feature on Snapchat allows you to connect with other users, send snaps and chat with them, and see who you interact with the most on the app.

How to check if someone has unfriended you on Snapchat?

There are a few signs that you may have been unfriended on Snapchat:

  1. Your snaps and chats are not being delivered: If you try to send a snap or chat message to someone and it remains undelivered, it may be a sign that they have unfriended you.
  1. Your friend’s name disappears from your friends list: If you used to have a friend on Snapchat and their name has disappeared from your friend list, it’s likely that they have unfriended you.
  1. Your friend’s Snap Map location is no longer visible: If you used to be able to see your friend’s location on Snap Map but it is no longer visible, it may indicate that they have unfriended you.

It’s important to keep in mind that sometimes snaps and chats may not be delivered due to technical issues or poor internet connectivity, so just because you’re experiencing some of these signs doesn’t necessarily mean you’ve been unfriended.

There is no official way to see who has unfriended you on Snapchat, as the app does not provide this information. 

If you’re unsure whether someone has unfriended you, the best approach is to simply reach out and ask them directly.

The Consequences of Unfriending on Snapchat

Unfriending someone on Snapchat means that you are removing them from your friend list and they will no longer be able to see your snaps and chat with you on the app. 

The consequences of unfriending someone on Snapchat can vary depending on the nature of your relationship with the person. 

Here are a few potential consequences of unfriending someone on Snapchat:

Loss of contact: Unfriending someone on Snapchat means that you will no longer be able to easily communicate with them via the app.

Hurt feelings: Depending on your relationship with the person, unfriending them on Snapchat may cause hurt feelings and may damage your relationship.

Decreased social interaction: If you were used to regularly snapping and chatting with the person, unfriending them may result in a decrease in social interaction.

Decreased visibility: If the person you unfriended was one of your best friends on Snapchat, unfriending them may result in decreased visibility on their part, as they will no longer see your snaps and chat messages.

In conclusion, unfriending someone on Snapchat can have a range of consequences, and it’s important to consider the nature of your relationship with the person before taking such action. 

If you’re unsure whether to unfriend someone, it may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with them to try to resolve any issues or misunderstandings.

Why do People Unfriend Someone on Snapchat?

Personal Reason for unfriending

Loss of interest: People may unfriend someone on Snapchat if they lose interest in their content or if they stop using the app.

Conflict: People may unfriend someone if they have a disagreement or conflict with them.

Privacy concerns: People may unfriend someone if they feel like their privacy is being violated, or if they don’t want certain people to see their snaps or chat messages.

Toxicity: People may unfriend someone if they feel like the person is being negative or toxic towards them or others.

Technical reasons for unfriending

Account deactivation: People may unfriend someone if their Snapchat account is deactivated or deleted.

Blocked account: People may unfriend someone if their account is blocked by Snapchat, which can happen if they violate the app’s terms of service.

Common scenarios for unfriending

Breakup: People may unfriend their significant other if they go through a breakup.

Change in a relationship: People may unfriend someone if they feel like their relationship has changed and they no longer want to keep in touch with them.

Distance: People may unfriend someone if they feel like the distance between them has become too great, either geographically or emotionally.

Unwanted snaps or chat messages: People may unfriend someone if they receive unwanted snaps or chat messages from them, or if they feel like their content is not relevant to them.

In conclusion, there can be a variety of reasons why people unfriend someone on Snapchat, ranging from personal conflicts to technical issues. 

It’s important to consider the reasons behind unfriending someone and the potential consequences before taking such action.

How to Handle Being Unfriended on Snapchat?

1. Accepting and moving on from being unfriended

Acknowledge your feelings: It’s normal to feel hurt or upset if someone unfriends you on Snapchat, so take a moment to acknowledge your feelings and give yourself time to process what has happened.

Refocus your attention: Instead of dwelling on the unfriending, try to refocus your attention on other things in your life, such as your friends, hobbies, or interests.

Find new friends: If you’re feeling lonely after being unfriended, try to expand your social circle by finding new friends on Snapchat or in other areas of your life.

2. Understanding the reasons for being unfriended

Reach out to the person: If you’re unsure why you were unfriended, consider reaching out to the person directly to try to understand their perspective.

Consider your own behavior: If you were unfriended, it may be helpful to consider your own behavior and whether there may be anything you could have done differently to avoid being unfriended.

3. Reconnecting with the person if desired

Reach out and apologize: If you were the cause of the conflict that led to the unfriending, consider reaching out to the person to apologize and try to reconcile.

Reconnect in person: If possible, try to reconnect with the person in person or through another form of communication, such as a phone call or email.

Give them space: If the person has not responded to your attempts to reconnect, it may be best to give them space and time to process what has happened.

In conclusion, being unfriended on Snapchat can be difficult, but there are steps you can take to handle the situation, such as accepting the unfriending, understanding the reasons behind it, and attempting to reconnect with the person if desired.

What is the Difference Between Unfriend, Block, Delete and Remove on Snapchat?

The terms “unfriend,” “block,” “delete,” and “remove” on Snapchat refer to different actions that you can take with other users.

Snapchat Unfriend

Unfriending someone on Snapchat means that you are no longer friends with that person on the app. 

This means that their snaps and chat messages will no longer appear in your feed and that you will not be able to send snaps or chat messages to them.

Blocking on Snapchat

Blocking someone on Snapchat means that you are preventing that person from being able to send snaps or chat messages to you, or from seeing your snaps or stories. 

This is a more drastic action than unfriending, as it completely cuts off communication between you and the other user.

Snapchat delete feature

Deleting someone on Snapchat means that you are removing them from your contacts list. 

This means that they will no longer appear in your contacts, but they will still be able to send snaps or chat messages to you if they have your username.

Removing on Snapchat

Removing someone on Snapchat means that you are removing a saved snap or chat from your device. 

This does not impact your relationship with the other user in any way, as the snap or chat is simply being removed from your device.


What happens to my snaps and chats with the unfriended person?

When you unfriend someone on Snapchat, their snaps and chat messages will no longer appear in your feed, and you will not be able to send snaps or chat messages to them. However, your previous snaps and chats with that person will still be stored in your Snapchat account.

Can the unfriended person still see my snaps and stories?

If your snaps and stories are set to be visible to “Everyone,” then the unfriended person will still be able to see your snaps and stories. However, they will not be able to send snaps or chat messages to you or see your snaps and chats in their feed.

Can I befriend the person after unfriending them?

Yes, you can re-friend someone after unfriending them on Snapchat. Simply search for their username and send a friend request, and they will be able to accept it if they choose to.

What happens if I block the person after unfriending them?

If you block someone after unfriending them on Snapchat, they will no longer be able to send snaps or chat messages to you or see your snaps and stories. Blocking is a more drastic action than unfriending, as it completely cuts off communication between you and the other user.


It’s essential to understand the consequences of unfriending someone on Snapchat. Unfriending is a straightforward way to end your friendship on the app, but it’s essential to consider the reasons behind unfriending and the potential impact it may have on your relationship with that person. 

If you choose to unfriend someone, keep in mind that their snaps and chat messages will no longer appear in your feed, and you will not be able to send snaps or chat messages to them.

You can always befriend them in the future by searching for their username and sending a friend request.

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